Amari Consulting Uses WP Engine for the Highest Level of Security


We’ve all heard about large and prominent companies’ computer systems being hacked, and millions of peoples’ personal information put into jeopardy.

If you have a website or are seeking to develop one for your business, you are probably concerned about whether or not it will be open to an attack.

And for those with a current website, you may be very worried that something within the inner workings could make your site less secure.

Recently, a “backdoor” or security hack was found within a WordPress plugin. The plugin, named Display Widgets, was tracking website data such as IP addresses, the domain, and even the pages viewers were view, and then sending this information to an outside, third-party server.

While this particular plugin was repeatedly removed from plugin repository, the developers found ways to keep this malicious plugin present by repeated re-introductions. Currently, it appears that this particular plugin has been removed permanently.

Amari Uses The Best Hosting Platform to Prevent Security/Safety Issues

Because security of our websites is paramount, we use WP Engine as our hosting platform of choice due to the fact that it goes above and beyond even what WordPress itself does to determine the validity, safety, and security of WP plugins, thus eliminating the possibility of this type of plugin being used.

WP Engine is proactive in its efforts to keep hosted sites secure through automatic updates, threat detection and blocking efforts. This ensures that sites running on its platform remain free of security intrusions.

While has made consistent efforts to identify and eliminate the possible use of malicious plugins, it is important to use a second line of defense such as host platforms like WP Engine to provide added security.

When you hire Amari Consulting to develop your website, you can rest assured that through our security measures, including using WP Engine, your site will stay as secure.

Call us today to learn more about our security systems, as well as all of our website development services that will raise the bar on your site!

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