Mistakes to Avoid When Establishing Your Brand




A brand is a powerful thing and it’s all too easy to get it wrong.

It’s not enough just to throw together a logo, you are crafting an identity that will have a huge impact on how people see you. Think carefully about your brand and how it will be perceived by others. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when you are building your brand.

Awkward Names

In 2009 the SciFi Channel tried to re-brand itself as SyFy. However, what the executives at NBC didn’t know is that #syfy is a popular hashtag for the disease Syphilis. Whoops.

Before you choose a name for your brand, make sure that you do your research and find out if it has an alternative dirty meaning. Ask a teenager and if they giggle when you say the name, there’s probably more to it than you realize.

Tone Deaf Tweeting

When brands have tried to be relevant and reference a recent tragedy in their marketing, it’s almost always a cringe-worthy failure. When musician Prince passed away, Cheerios tweeted a graphic that said Rest in Peace with a Cheerio for the dot above the i. Many fans were offended and felt that the tweet was insensitive and used the musician’s death for promotional gain.

After the Boston Marathon bombings, food website Epicurious tweeted with a breakfast cereal recipe we could all use to start today. After a huge backlash, they took down the tweets and apologized for their insensitivity. The lesson here? Be very careful and avoid referencing tragic events to promote your product – it never ever looks good.

Cheap Logos

Another major mistake is skimping when it comes to designing logos and visuals for your brand. You get what you pay for and a cheap logo and brand image is likely to be cliche, unoriginal and not as eye catching. It’s always worth paying the extra for a professional company to help you brand.

Not Having a USP

When you are establishing a brand, the most important part is to figure out your Unique Selling Proposition. What can you offer to the customer that no one else can? What makes your business stand out from the competition? FedEx had the slogan “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight”. Domino’s Pizza promises that you’ll get your pizza within 30 minutes or less or it’s free.

Some companies focus on superior craftsmanship while others are offer the lowest price, or provide great customer service – so think about what your greatest strength is and how you can describe it.

After all, If you can’t tell customers what your company does best, what reason do they have to choose you over the competition?

These are just a few examples of mistakes to avoid when establishing your brand. Any other mistakes you’ve seen companies make? Let us know in the comments.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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