What Makes Up a Good Call to Action and How Does That Help Me Sell my Products?



What Makes Up a Good Call to Action and How Does That Help Me Sell my Products?

So you’ve gotten some traffic to your website and there are people interested in your products?

Now what?

It’s fantastic that visitors are looking at your site, but if they click away from it without taking action then you’ve missed an opportunity. The key is to include a powerful call to action on your website that will help you to sell your products and keep your visitors engaged.

Think about this question: when visitors come to your website what you do want them to DO?

Sign up for your newsletter?

Download a free sample?

Purchase your eBook?

Register for an event?

Buy a ticket?

No matter what it is, you want them to do more than just shrug and say “hmmm, that’s cool”, then close the browser window. So how can you encourage them to take the next step with a call to action?

First of all, use strong command verbs. Language like, give us a call, talk to us, get your’s today and join now, will make people want to click. A Submit button is boring and cliche, so think about how you can make the language unique to your brand.

Explain in clear, concise words exactly how taking action will benefit the visitor. If they are signing up for a newsletter what valuable content will you be sending them? If they are downloading a free sample of a product what features does it offer? If they buy in the next 24 hours will they receive a discount or a free bonus? In a nutshell – what’s in it for them?

Also – make opting in as risk free as possible for your potential customer. Free trials are great because they let people see the advantages of your product without scaring them with a big commitment. In their minds, the worst thing that can happen is that they don’t like it and they don’t continue after the free trial. Of course, once they fall in love with how great your product is, they will likely want to sign up for the real thing.

Don’t forget to make your call to action visually striking and well positioned on the page. It should draw the reader’s eye right to it, so they are tempted to click. A big juicy button accompanied with some well placed text and a beautiful image will grab their attention.

Take your time to tweak your call to action and experiment with a few different tactics until you find the one that works the best. With the right call to action your website will be a powerful machine that turns visitors into customers.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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